If you have any experience or interest in this role, please contact us.
Interim Board Chair: Jo Schaefer
Vice Chair: VACANT
Secretary: Peter Sysyn
Treasurer: Ian Timm
Land Use: VACANT Send to Jo Schaefer
Transportation: VACANT Send to Jo Schaefer
Safety: Ian Timm
Goals and Priorities for 2023
- Better coordination with the other neighborhoods in the CNN coalition
- Continue partnership with the Hollywood Boosters
- Get bylaws updated to make sure we are operating in the best interest of the neighborhood
- Assist RCPNA to be a recognized N.E.T.
- Assist Grant Park to organize and be recognized as a N.E.T.
- Work on an ADHOC with both groups
- Traffic calming for NE 47th Ave.
- Safety and livability and the possibility of working with Providence and other neighbors
- Hollywood Welcome Map: an at-a-glance map that focuses on transportation options in the area
- Parking: work with Providence and Centers & Corridors Committee findings
- Continue process on the Streetcar project
Communications and Outreach
- Website and newsletter
- Create Hollywood-sponsored event for residents and businesses
- Provide childcare at meetings and events
Other Board Priorities
- Visibility of the neighborhood association
- Sustainable resources guide
- Make HNA more of a local resource of what is happening/things to do and see in the area (e.g., music, new restaurants, events)
- Partner with the Boosters to work on the December 2017 Shop With A Cop Event as volunteers.
- Continue to be open and flexible to opportunities for us to become engaged with our neighbors and other organizations
- Maintain our involvement in the parades, concerts in the park, and neighborhood cleanups
- Support the City’s efforts to combat homelessness, with particular emphasis among veterans
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